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PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 1:23 pm 
I couldn't get into the other one.     No, I can't take a hint.   Why is everyone so set on the tempo of the show.     If you were a DJ then it's more important.    It's karaoke.     A DJ basically plays songs in sets, that he picks by the way the crowd is reacting.   The sets usually contain the same type and tempo music.    Especially in a dance club.    That said there are several types of DJs.     Wedding DJ, Dance Club DJ, Scratchers and bar DJ.    All with a totally different end product.    You know what goes on at a wedding.    Dance club is all about non-stop fast dancing.     Scratchers whole different ballgame.     Bar DJ kills time playing whatever the drunks request.   Hey, that sounds familiar.      KJ plays all types and tempos of music in a rotation dictated by the [highlight=crimson]singers[/highlight] song selection.     Frank next, Bon Jovi next, Friends in Wannabe's bar, etc.    Yes, you don't want the nonsingers falling asleep but...   Sorry, your next selection didn't "get the crowd going" and the next guys song won't make them turn out the lights.    We are a totally different form of entertainment.   Stop trying to be a DJ, you're not and you don't have to be.    People are there to sing or listen to singers.    I still have people dancing at karaoke, just last night.    Everyone knows it's not a dance club and the only thing scratched is your favorite karaoke song.   Point being you're not going to kill my night or anyone elses by singing a slow song.    We won't crash and burn and I'll still get full money.    It's all part of it and everyone knows that.   By the way I hate to just DJ and I won't.   I won't take a party, etc. unless they want karaoke & DJ and I lean heavily on the karaoke side.   Work on being the best KJ you can be and the rest will follow.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 4:11 pm 
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[shadow=darkred][font=Comic Sans MS]At a good karaoke show the KJ is just as much part of the show as the singers......some get very proficient at this skill and can liven things up with a bit of babbling.....as a singer I pick out the songs I'm going to sing before I get to a show (that's why I used to like carrying my own discs).......no matter how many songs there are in the collection, their always seemed to be missing a song I want to sing.....I try to pick out songs I know really well to start, break out new ones in the middle somewhere and finish with best stuff........[/font][/shadow]


[glow=blue]Tequila & A Song

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 5:12 pm 
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Bigdog @ 24th April 2006, 5:23 am wrote:
I couldn't get into the other one.     No, I can't take a hint.   Why is everyone so set on the tempo of the show.     If you were a DJ then it's more important.    It's karaoke.     A DJ basically plays songs in sets, that he picks by the way the crowd is reacting.   The sets usually contain the same type and tempo music.    Especially in a dance club.    That said there are several types of DJs.     Wedding DJ, Dance Club DJ, Scratchers and bar DJ.    All with a totally different end product.    You know what goes on at a wedding.    Dance club is all about non-stop fast dancing.     Scratchers whole different ballgame.     Bar DJ kills time playing whatever the drunks request.   Hey, that sounds familiar.      KJ plays all types and tempos of music in a rotation dictated by the [highlight=crimson]singers[/highlight] song selection.     Frank next, Bon Jovi next, Friends in Wannabe's bar, etc.    Yes, you don't want the nonsingers falling asleep but...   Sorry, your next selection didn't "get the crowd going" and the next guys song won't make them turn out the lights.    We are a totally different form of entertainment.   Stop trying to be a DJ, you're not and you don't have to be.    People are there to sing or listen to singers.    I still have people dancing at karaoke, just last night.    Everyone knows it's not a dance club and the only thing scratched is your favorite karaoke song.   Point being you're not going to kill my night or anyone elses by singing a slow song.    We won't crash and burn and I'll still get full money.    It's all part of it and everyone knows that.   By the way I hate to just DJ and I won't.   I won't take a party, etc. unless they want karaoke & DJ and I lean heavily on the karaoke side.   Work on being the best KJ you can be and the rest will follow.

You are my kind of KJ; I sing ONLY SLOOOOOOO     OOOOOW numbers.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 3:59 am 
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I think I am missing your point.

Why am I worried about the tempo of the show?

Slow songs are important to the tempo of the show. I have people that
only sing slow songs. It doesn't hurt the night. People like to slow dance.
But I wouldn't want the whole night to be slow songs. Thankfully most people like to go with the flow of the crowd. If it is lively in the bar people singing like to keep it lively. I'm sorry I have to disagree. I do find part of my job is to keep the crowd happy and moving. If someone sings a slow song and people are dancing the next person up to sing might change their song to a slow song because they see people enjoying it. It works both ways.

[shadow=pink][glow=deepskyblue]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[updown]~*~ MONKEY BUSINESS KARAOKE~*~ [/shadow][/updown][/glow]

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 11:00 am 
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I found a new place here in the last week.  It's a completely different vibe than what I've been used to for a year.  Not any better or worse, just different.  I have already found myself doing a subtly different group of songs, though.  A little more country music, since that's what seems to predominate in this place.

But...in my English class, they always told me to consider the audience when I was writing...does it not make sense to follow the same advice in singing, even if it's karaoke?

[glow=white][scroll]Live, laugh, and love today--just in case tomorrow doesn't make it[/scroll][/glow]

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 2:46 pm 
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SingingSquid @ Mon Apr 24, 2006 11:00 am wrote:
But...in my English class, they always told me to consider the audience when I was writing...does it not make sense to follow the same advice in singing, even if it's karaoke?

That would be my strong opinion too. I mean, setting aside my biased opinion..... (there's not too many slow songs that I like anyhow)

At a bar, it's kind of a "party" atmosphere. Slow songs are okay, if a good slow song, and if sang well. Little singing mistakes- or someone who can't stay on key- tend to be much more pronounced in slow songs. And if I hear one (even a very good one), I usually think "Oh, that was nice, now back to the party".

Just personal opinion of course. But (again, despite the fact that I don't really care to sing them at all)..... that's the main reason I have rarely ever sang a slow song out at a bar. People don't really seem to want that. I know I don't. I mean, ocassionally, they are fine. But too many on a good karaoke night, IMO, can really make the night lose some of it's sparkle.  People want to hear upbeat stuff, and bang their fists on the table, and whoop & holler.

And heck, you can still dance. Who says it has to be a "slow dance"......ick. I'd rather shake my badonkadonk than waltz. Maybe at a barn dance- but not at karaoke.

♥ Laugh your heart out, dance in the rain. Cherish the memories, ignore the pain. Love and learn, forget and forgive. Because you only have one life to live. ♥

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 4:07 pm 
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SingingSquid @ Mon Apr 24, 2006 1:00 pm wrote:
I found a new place here in the last week.  It's a completely different vibe than what I've been used to for a year.  Not any better or worse, just different.  I have already found myself doing a subtly different group of songs, though.  A little more country music, since that's what seems to predominate in this place.

But...in my English class, they always told me to consider the audience when I was writing...does it not make sense to follow the same advice in singing, even if it's karaoke?

Where, where, tell me where???

Will sing or fish for food!!I'm not quite right!!

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 11:16 pm 
You would have to read the post in the singer's forum to understand what this is about.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 10:49 am 
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Isis @ Mon Apr 24, 2006 6:07 pm wrote:
SingingSquid @ Mon Apr 24, 2006 1:00 pm wrote:
I found a new place here in the last week.  It's a completely different vibe than what I've been used to for a year.  Not any better or worse, just different.  I have already found myself doing a subtly different group of songs, though.  A little more country music, since that's what seems to predominate in this place.

But...in my English class, they always told me to consider the audience when I was writing...does it not make sense to follow the same advice in singing, even if it's karaoke?

Where, where, tell me where???

I just saw this post today...I'll fill you in...maybe even "kidnap" you and take you there...we'll just have to see.   LMAO

[glow=white][scroll]Live, laugh, and love today--just in case tomorrow doesn't make it[/scroll][/glow]

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 5:16 am 
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I dunno about the rest of you, but sometimes if I sing a bunch of fast songs, I need a breather and so I need to do a slower (not necessarily slow, but slowER) one for my next one--even if my next turn to sing is an hour away!  

I usually look thru' the book, pick out a song I want to sing, then after I've sung that, it's like, "Let's see, what am I in the mood to sing next?" and I look thru' the book and pick out another one.  I have had times where I've given the kj a bunch of songs and had them put the songs in whatever order they want--the only problem is that there wasn't time for all of them, so there was some stuff that I really wanted to sing that I didn't get to sing.  So I just go one song at a time, and if it's near the end of the evening I ask the kj if I will have time to do any more (so I know whether I should pick out another one or not).

I love being a mom!

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