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mav2100 performs Wicked Game on Karaoke Showcase of Karaoke Scene Magazine Online: mav2100 performs Wicked Game on Karaoke Showcase - Chet Bassetti subbed this song back on the second as a dedication for his Wife’s Birthday. It was fantastic! While I was listening to his version, I said to meself, “Self, this is a great and really sexy song, why haven’t you ever done this one.?” THANK YOU CHET for reintroducing this to me!! So, while searching my tracks I found this very interesting track for it. It is an excellent, jazzy track. However it was pretty lackluster on the bridge so I started whispering the sung bridge on it “what wicked Game you play to make me feel this way etc.”. I thought it sounded okay, but my extremely talented son apparently had other ideas. He disappeared into his room/studio/computerlab and a little while later I received a bridge that slipped right into the track. I personally think it is Bloody Brilliant!! So thank you Joshua for making me sacrifice my whispered bridge for this one. It really is a great improvement. Let me know what you think of this bridge. Joshua will be so excited to see it too. Thank you so much for listening. Love yas. Mwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Pam Wicked Game, mav2100, Singer, singers, Karaoke Showcase, Karaoke Showcase, karaoke, Karaoke Scene, singing, songs, submissions, member, members, song, title