Karaoke Showcase
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mav2100 performs La Mer 4 Michel on Karaoke Showcase of Karaoke Scene Magazine Online: mav2100 performs La Mer 4 Michel on Karaoke Showcase - This song has been done by many artists. In English it is known as "Beyond The Sea". I have sung it in English before. As a matter of fact Yesterday I only knew it in English and now look at me I still only know it in English. LOL! I worked on this one all day trying to get that French working. This one is for you Michel. You are the teacher and I am the student. Let me know if you can understand anything I sang. LOL! This was a real challenge and I have been wanting to try a French Song for Michel for a long time. Celui-ci est pour toi mon doux Michel! If any of you know French be gentle with me. Merci pour votre attention. Love yas, Mwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Pam La Mer 4 Michel, mav2100, Singer, singers, Karaoke Showcase, Karaoke Showcase, karaoke, Karaoke Scene, singing, songs, submissions, member, members, song, title